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Galas + Celebrations

AANHPI Celebration

Be The Match

Photo credit: Overflow Create

Galas + Celebrations

AANHPI Celebration

Be The Match

The Brief

Create a standout AANHPI (Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander) celebration in Los Angeles for a long-standing partner: Be the Match. Turn around a design strategy and activate within a one-month timeframe, on a minimal budget. Raise awareness for Be the Match’s mission. Educate attendees about the critical need for increased donor representation among AANHPI Americans. Host an engaging live performance in an intimate setting.

Our Work

Design | Production | Logistics

Be the Match entrusted us to deliver a swift yet impactful design solution despite their limited experience with out-of-state activations. The Terasaki Budokan terrace, in “Little Tokyo” in downtown Los Angeles, was selected to ensure relevance to the cause. The outdoor space perfectly accommodated the client’s need for live performances, engaging moments, and sharing touching stories. Given the tight budget, we strategically allocated resources, with a focus on high-impact areas: stage and lighting design. This ensured the messaging was at the forefront of the event. Additionally, we contracted with AANHPI vendors and entertainment to support the cause. Branded moments were woven throughout to create a distinctive Be the Match presence. We channeled our focus into elements that complemented the venue and put a spotlight on Be The Match branded elements to maximize the impact of every dollar spent.

The Experience

The event unfolded as a success, coming alive with a buzz-worthy ambiance. The evening was filled with impactful stories of the lives touched by Be The Match, accompanied by tasty AANHPI fare and live performance. Singer and stem cell donation advocate AJ Rafael’s performance served as a true testament to the importance of AANHPI donation within the community. Our clients were impressed by the cross-state orchestration of the celebration. This experience reaffirmed that, even with limited resources, making wise investments can create a truly unforgettable event.


donors and influencers in attendance


distinct musical sets


highly impactful evening